Título original: Cool It
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Guionista:Terry Botwick
Géneros: Documental /
Duración: 87 minutos
Puntuación: 6.4 (10)
Título original: Cool It
Dónde ver: No hay servicios de stream disponibles para este producto
Bjørn Lomborg (Self - Director, Copenhagen Consensus Center)
Hashem Akbari (Self - Head of Heat Island Group, Berkeley Lab)
Al Gore (Self (archive footage))
James Hansen (Self - Director, NASA Institute for Space Studies)
Barack Obama (Self (archive footage))
Barry Glassner (Self - Sociologist, USC and Author, 'The Culture of Fear')
Richard Lindzen (Self - Professor of Atmospheric Science, MIT)
Nathan Myhrvold (Self - Founder, Intellectual Ventures)